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Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Learning is fun! I need book recommendations!

Last night, after admitting to my sister that I was reading and annotating an academic book¹ (for "fun") and had earlier in the day read and written an annotated bibliography entry on an academic article² (for "fun") she proclaimed:

"NotQuiteGrownUp, you need to go to grad school. Like, now."

The moral of this story is that I like to learn, a lot. I hope I don't loose my passion and desire to learn before I get the opportunity to go to grad school. I think that is one of my biggest worries. I am afraid that if I am out of college for a few years I will forget the thrill of academia. I will settle into a job and become too comfortable with my work and my development. I don't want to let that happen. I want to continue to feel the urge to constantly question what is going on and learn more about why things happen and how and what we can do to make them happen differently.

I have a huge list of education book recommendations from my (former) adviser. But, does anyone else have any book, chapter, or article recommendations? I love to read about (among other things):
-Developing literacy/literacies
-Literacy as s0cial practice
-Bilingual education
-Multicultural education
-And of course, the intersection of all of those topics

¹ Lewis, C. (2001). Literacy practices as s0cial acts: P0wer, status, and cultural n0rms in the classr00m. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.

² If I hadn't written the annotated bibliography entry, I would not remember what the article was about, and then what would have been the point in reading the article?


Blogger jfccrunner said...

Not Quite Grown Up,

I've been blogging (sporadically!) since a class I had on Education and Technology. I really enjoy your reflections so far and I feel that I can associate with a lot of what you've written so far! I'm impressed with what you said about loving to read different educational articles...I wish I had as much zeal for it:( I look foward to reading about the rest of your endeavors in education!

9:24 PM  

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