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Thursday, May 25, 2006

My poor computer.

Two days after I got back home from school, my computer died.  Totally and completely.  It was turned on, playing calming music when I went to sleep.  When I woke up, it had turned itself off, and would not turn back on.

Luckily, I tend to back my stuff up on a fairly regular basis.  So, while I may have lost some files, about 90% of my school papers/projects had been saved to the school's online storage server and most of my photos and music had been saved to an external hard drive.

Also fortunate is the fact that my extended warranty is valid for one more month.  Had the computer died after that time, I would have been out of luck.  Since I am still within the 3-year warranty time period, my computer has been sent away in a box, hopefully to come back in a week fully functional and with a new hard drive.  (I'm also hoping that if my computer is given a new hard drive now, it'll last another three years or so.  That might just be optimistic thinking though...)


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